Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Could spring actually have sprung?

In October, I wanted to make an appointment to have my winter tyres fitted. But the weather was nice and the schedule busy, so I decided to postpone until November. Then out of nowhere it was December, and I realised I was still driving around on my summer tyres. They were rather new so there was a lot of profile on them and well, December is an expensive month and the weather was still very forgiving, so I decided I could sit it out a bit longer. But January came and went, February came and went and surprise-surprise: winter never showed up! There were two days where I had to de-ice the windshield, but that was pretty much it. No snow, drizzle, sleet, mud, torrential rain or anything!

It might still happen of course. Both March and April are notorious for their capriciousness, but I can't help but notice the days are lengthening nicely and that the spring flowers are popping up everywhere: daffodils, crocusses and snow drops (my favorite!) are bursting out of the ground and even the tulips are poking their leaves through the soil. The predictions for this weekend and all of next week are excellent, so I'm hoping that this year we'll just skip winter entirely and move straight on to spring. After all, Mother Nature owes us, for all the years where spring went straight on into fall without a decent summer. 

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